Who Will Survive When the Going Gets Tough?

Individually and as a species, we are subject to natural selection

Bernhard Kutzler
1 min readJul 4, 2024
image by tookapic on pixabay

Life is a natural phenomenon. Therefore, there is only one authority that decides on survival: nature. Nature uses a powerful principle for this: natural selection. Only the best specimens of a species survive. On a large scale, only those species survive that fit into the endless dance of species on this planet.

It would be a great mistake to believe that this does not affect us. Nature can be without us — but we cannot be without nature. We are the most vulnerable species on this planet. One of my favorite jokes is: Two planets meet. One says to the other: “You don’t look well. Are you sick?” The other croaks hoarsely: “I have Homo sapiens.” The first planet replies: “Don’t worry. It’s not dangerous. It will go away on its own.”

The FULL story is in my Substack newsletter: https://open.substack.com/pub/bernhardexplores/p/who-will-survive-when-the-going-gets?r=3oqs68&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

German version: https://open.substack.com/pub/bernharderforscht/p/wer-wird-uberleben-wenn-es-hart-auf?r=3oqs68&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Bernhard Kutzler

Mathematician, philosopher, expert in social programming and self-exploration. https://www.BernhardKutzler.com