Who Can You Trust?

About the greatest challenge as a human

Bernhard Kutzler
1 min readAug 17, 2024
image by Pictrider licensed from Shutterstock

Trust has three aspects. One is to trust another person; another is to trust the course of events; and the third is to trust yourself.

To trust another person means to assume that the other person is acting truthfully. In non-human nature, everything is truthful; therefore, there is only trust. Even a gazelle trusts a lion — namely that it wants to eat it, so it runs away. We humans can act untruthfully; therefore, we distrust each other … but we long to be able to trust.

Trusting the course of events is a prerequisite for a truly fulfilled life. It requires understanding our existence from a bird’s eye view.

In the following, I will shed light on all three aspects and explain how important trust is for the future of humankind.

The FULL story is in my Substack newsletter: https://open.substack.com/pub/bernhardexplores/p/who-can-you-trust?r=3oqs68&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

German version: https://open.substack.com/pub/bernharderforscht/p/wem-kannst-du-vertrauen?r=3oqs68&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Bernhard Kutzler

Mathematician, philosopher, expert in social programming and self-exploration. https://www.BernhardKutzler.com